There’s going to be a trial. Let’s pack the court on Monday, May 20 and Tuesday, May 21.


Morris County Courthouse, 56 Washington St., Morristown. Details about parking are here.

Best time to show up

Our big photo op is 9-11:30am on Monday, May 20. Join us then—or whenever you can. We need stalwarts to listen to testimony until 4:30pm on Monday and, if the trial drags on, 9am to 4:30pm Tuesday as well..

Why a trial

Last time we packed the court—in August 2022—we were wearing masks. Since then, Drew University and the Borough of Madison have not found a way to settle the case. As a result, Judge Hansbury has scheduled a two-day trial.

Legal details: August 2022 to now

Newspapers have covered the court proceedings, so we’ll leave the narrative to them. In a nutshell, the trial on May 20 is about whether the Forest should have been included as vacant land in the Borough’s 2020 affordable housing filing and, if so, what is its Realistic Development Potential (RDF). Our view: Any development would compromise the environmental integrity of this biodiverse ecosystem. Read more in our FAQ.

Our expert witness

In 2022, we filed an amicus brief and an environmental study detailing the exceptionally high preservation value of the Forest. On either May 20 or 21, our expert, Jamie Morgan, of the Davey Resource Group will provide testimony at the trial and be cross examined by lawyers from Drew University and Fair Share Housing.

What to wear—and what to expect

If you have a Forest tee, please wear it. If not, we’ll give you one of our new SAVE THE DREW FOREST bright blue stickers. As an audience member, you’ll be sending a message of support by your presence. You will not be able to comment and, quite frankly, it might not be terribly exciting. But there will be breaks for food and new friends to meet. Us, for instance. We’re in it for the duration and will be hugely cheered any time you arrive.

What your support means

By showing up at the Courthouse, you’re providing a voice for the Forest. You’ve helped us hire legal counsel and an expert witness. Let’s make sure that Judge Hansbury knows we are a force for nature.