Donate to Help Protect the Drew Forest

Our vision is to protect the Drew Forest as open space through a conservation sale that will strengthen Drew University’s financial future. Morris County has awarded the Borough of Madison a $5 million grant toward that end, saying it was “the first and only significant commitment by anyone to preserve this property."

The grant would not be possible without tireless outreach, packed meetings and the support of neighboring towns, as well as dozens of local, state and national local environmental groups. (See our Regional Support page.)

Your tax-deductible donation will help defray the legal costs associate with our amicus brief in the Madison-Drew legal action, as well as provide needed funds for our efforts. With your help, we will:

  • Protect the Drew Forest from development;

  • Support public and private conservation funding;

  • Manage the Drew Forest when it is preserved as open space for all to enjoy.

How to Donate:

The Friends of the Drew Forest is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 87-4488425.